Shrek game of thrones meme
Shrek game of thrones meme

shrek game of thrones meme shrek game of thrones meme

Certain media is meant for certain demographics and this goes for all age groups, races, and both sexes. Hollywood adding Soulless Stronk Female Characters to adaptations so that they have a mouthpiece for a political agenda is bad. Some 12 year old's self insert oc fanfic is harmless. Mary Sues (and escapist power fantasies in general) are harmless so long as they are not to be taken seriously as stories for the public to consume. Certain tropes and plot twists are commonly used for a reason. Sometimes in writing the most obvious solution is actually the best one. For a good example of this, refer to every time someone says that Romeo and Juliet are not actually in love. People who criticize stories based on conventions of their genre instead of actual flaws need to learn the difference between "this doesn't fit my personal tastes/standards" and "this is actually harmful/badly written". Stories with dark themes and sad endings have a right to exist and can be cathartic, so long as there is a point to it. To use two examples within the fantasy genre, Game of Thrones is a bad deconstruction of the fantasy genre. Deconstruction is fruitless and inferior to stories which are played straight, unless the Deconstruction has a deep understanding of the genre it is critiquing, has a deeper point to the criticism beyond "this trope is bad because I say so, and it provides a way forward. On a related note, people who complain about Susan's character arc being anti-feminist are missing the point of her story considering that Lewis based her off himself and his own adolescent struggles with faith. Mere Christianity and Till We Have Faces are the two best things he ever wrote.

shrek game of thrones meme

While I do love the Chronicles of Narnia, I think a lot of Lewis' other work is actually a lot better. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorer's of Sky is also the best Pokemon game ever made. So while it isn't ideal I get that sometimes pirating doesn't actually hurt a company's bottom dollar and/or is the only way to play old games that are otherwise lost to time. At the same time, I can't look down on a lot of people who pirate because a lot of game companies refuse to rerelease older games under a fair price or that doesn't involve limited time offers/online subscriptions. which while understandable at times isn't something to glorify. Pirating isn't actually an ideal solution to overpriced games, it can result in jail time or you accidentally downloading malware onto your computer. Conktroversial Opinions on Media Electric Boogaloo:

Shrek game of thrones meme